My route descriptions are getting as long as my ‘local history’ stories, and the more I learn about local life and the history of the fells and valleys, the more I’m finding it difficult to leave out any information that comes my way. With that said, you are welcome to just scroll down at your own pace, and hopefully you will gain something from what I’ve provided.

This Lakeland route is my favourite walk in my favourite valley of Borrowdale, and is a tribute to the men who mined and quarried the land, and the brave souls who had fallen during the Great War.

Lakeland in autumn is beautiful, but Borrowdale in autumn is simply unmissable.

GPX Route: Download
PDF Map: Download

Grange > Swanesty How > Cockley How > High White Rake > Blea Crag > High Spy > Robin Hood Edge > Rigg Head > Rigghead Quarries > Tongue Gill > Broadslack Gill > Castle Crag > Broadslack Gill > Gowder Dub > Grange