It’s been a while since Richard and I did a big adventurous walk together, so today was to be that day. Richard wanted to recce the paths going up to The Knott from Hayeswater, for a section of the Lakeland Way. I also needed to climb some new Wainwrights.

We parked our car at Hartsop and made our way up to The Knott, before skirting around Rest Dodd and dropping down to The Nab. It was then a tough ascent to reach the summit of Rest Dodd. Both of these were two new Wainwrights for me. After much-needed refreshments on the summit of Rest Dodd we continued to High Street and then Thornthwaite Crag. From there it was an easy walk along the ridge, by myself, to Gray Crag (3rd new one), while Richard sat basking in the sun at the ridge wall. I met up with Richard again and we took a short-cut path towards Threshwaite Mouth. It was then a nice scramble up to Caudale Moor and a nice easy trod along the ridge of Hartsop Dodd. That was two more new ones for me, and five altogether, with a total of 14 miles.

Here are a few camera and mobile pics: